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IJC Holdings is a private, start-up focused firm that offers a unique line of products and services to support our partner and internal ventures.

Our products, like our services, are the best in class in their respective industries.

We have business experience with consulting for business practices, accounting practices, sales practices, human resources, recruiting practices and more, to offer our partner ventures to take them to the next level. 


IJC Holdings also offers services to assist in managing the bottom line by assessing cost analysis of real estate, lead generation and manpower. IJC Holdings can handle all call center outsourcing needs, including customer service, tech support and sales.


Possibly the most important asset IJC Holdings offers is the "Total Solution Business Consulting." Consulting services are offered from the inception of a new business idea through its fruition as a fully operating profit center. From legal and accounting services, to real estate and office planning, and from operations to sales practices; IJC Holdings offers a one stop solution for it all. As one of the premier Master General Agents and Field Marketing Organizations, IJC Holdings' group of companies  is a leader in insurance products. Beyond insurance, IJC Holdings offers various products in a variety of disciplines including insurance, finance, lending, merchant services, logistics, manpower, staffing and technical & network support. If you are a sales representative, agent, company, call center, investor, or newcomer, contact IJC Holdings to learn more about what we can do for you and your company.


Finance and Lending

With over 20 years of experience in Finace, IJC Holdigns group of companies is equipped with the financial resources to finance loans and projects of all sizes. From business loans, including loans backed by merchant card transactions, to autos and real estate, IJC Holdigns is flexible and nimble enought to handle any size transaction. 

Our experience includes Auto Lending, Merchant Card Lending, and other hard money lending strategies.

Sales Consulting

The IJC Holdings group’s sales experience, knowledge, and success is completely unparalleled and proven only by its own success across its many platforms and verticals.


IJC Holdings offers its clients outsourcing services to help balance the cost of the sales function as well as outsourcing services and consulting. To find out more about what IJC Holdings can do for your sales environment, please contact us.

Logistics & Transport

As a leader in logistics and transportation throughout the Americas, the IJC Holdings group of companies can service any logistical needs. 


We have offices in the United States in New Jersey and Florida.


Our experience and technology offer the ability to support the transportatin of large freight, vehicles, smaller items, or private containers.

Call Center Services

Customer Service, Technical Support and Sales are of the most difficult departments to manage. IJC Holdings' group of companies can handle any and all of those services to alleviate the responsibility, real estate, management and technology necessary to handle the function effectively and efficiently.


With offices throughout the United States, IJC Holdings' group of companies can service all of your call center needs.


IJC Holdings group of companies are of the leading Master General Agent and Field Marketing Organizations in the country. Responsible for more insurance sales than most any other MGA or FMO coupled with over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, IJC Holdings has the resources, experience, and the know-how to service every client, agent, agency, and broker, whether it be an individual, agency, or brokerage. Our ingredients for success have been time tested and industry proven.

Other Areas of Expertise

The IJC Holdings group of companies offers immense expertise, unparalleled experience, and cutting edge technology. Areas of expertise include Medical Care Products, Home Security, Home Automation and much more. With various skills, as well as the best staff and support team, no one group of companies can offer more.

To learn more about what IJC Holdings group of companies can do for you, contact us to set up a consultation.




When it comes to investing, IJC Holdings is eager to make investments and joint ventures with companies and people who are as passionate as we are. We acknowledge that different financial interests can be mutually complementary if properly researched and analyzed then approached with the right positive attitude. 


Everyone has strengths and weaknesses; by identifying both on the forefront, we have managed to consistently find success with our venture partners, regardless of the industry. With our focus on reliable companies that produce consistent returns, we are investing in our own long-term growth and development.   


Our expertise and proven track record have brought us many successful relationships, that we value and continue to nurture. It is our team's philosophy that actively establishing strong and reliable professional networks will facilitate our long-term investment goals, thus contribute to the successful ongoing activities of the company.


Feel free to read the selection of the various successful companies we have invested in and where they are today. In our experience the most succesful investments starts with a successful and qualified group of companies; Contact us today to discuss how we can help you and your company find your success.


Rescue Medical Alert was created in 2014, and IJC Holdings was given the opportunity to buy a large share of the company a few months after its conception. Six months after buying, IJC Holdings sold its book of business to the second largest competitor in the country. Then, Rescue Medical Alert had the additional infused capital from the sale of the assets so that they can reinvest and grow further.

First Choice Health Group was founded in 2009. IJC Holdings was able to purchase a large share of the company, infuse capital, create internal controls and procedures, implement an HR infrastructure to handle recruitment, and create successful sales procedures. Within one year, the company was operating at a 61% profit margin. One year later, the company was approached by a prospective buyer and in three short months they sold to a $400 million insurance company who was looking to add distribution to their portfolio.

Boca Transport was created in 2014 and IJC Holdings invested in late 2014. IJC Holdings was able to create procedures, implement points of sale, update the customer database, implement job tracking software, and create recruitment and training procedures. In 2015, Boca Transport was sold to a larger competitor for 14 times their yearly earnings.

Heritage Health Group was created in 2011, sales were strong, but the profit margins were less than 5% and it wasn't as nearly as successful as it had the potential to be. In early 2016, IJC Holdings got involved and began implementing its own procedures by infusing capital, training sales reps, and assisting with recruitment. In less than six months, the company was operating at a 24% profit margin and is projected to end the year with a profit margin of more than 35%. The new owner is expected to earn 15 times more with us than he would have without our services.

Our experience and expertise varies enough to offer the support needed from any of our clients. 


Please contact us to learn more. 


In business since


Ventures funded
Group Of Companies


New Jersey


4000 Route 66 - Suite 348

Tinton Falls NJ 07753


Corporate Office


Phone:  (732) 305-2395



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